
The Latest from Nou the Cat

July 16, 2014
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We love all animals here at Hotel Cat and have been fortunate to be able to offer a home to many unwanted ones. Your cat will be able to see our four gorgeous donkeys, three lovely sheep, two very naughty goats (!) and our many chickens and ducks who roam freely around outside.

If there is an animal or bird in need of a home we will always offer a home if we can. Our newest arrivals are 19 ex caged hens who arrived in June through the British hen welfare trust ( .

They were a little shell-shocked and wary of the big outdoors, but I have been showing them around the place and I’m rather enjoying my new job as ‘Mother Hen’….

They are a gorgeous bunch of girls and are so inquisitive. It has been very rewarding to see their confidence grow and the once scared girls now thrive on scratching in the grass, dust bathing and laying in the sunshine, all the things which were denied to them before. If you ever have any leftovers when you are dropping off your cat they love most things, especially biscuits and pastry!

They also  keep our guests entertained, provide lovely eggs for the humans, and spend many happy days in our beautiful gardens. It’s all rather splendid.

Make sure to check back soon as I’ll be reporting on our latest feline guests in the coming months.

Best whiskers!

Nou the Cat

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