Well January is nearly over at Hotel Cat and we are convincing ourselves that signs of Spring are all around! We have had a very busy month and met a delightful number of cats. The one thing that really is apparent is how well they have all settled in. We have had a couple of very shy cats stay, but due to the fact that they have plenty of places to watch us from and get to know us, we have become part of their world very quickly. The feeling you get when you are best friends with a cat who didn’t want to know you 24 hours earlier is fantastic and a big part of why we created Hotel Cat.
We have a virtually full diary for February and are really looking forward to meeting all our new guests. They range from four month old kittens right up to a 16 year old gentleman who loves to lay on a chair and watch the chickens from his window.
The donkeys are very much looking forward to Spring arriving as they miss sunbathing! Basil has stayed really well as the winter has been relatively mild and his arthritis has been kept at bay.
We have been in talks with a couple of TV production companies who are putting cat themed shows together. I’m sure that we have a number of guests who would pose for the camera the minute it was pointed at them!
As ever, if you are thinking of leaving your precious cats and would like to come and have a look around or luxury cattery, then we would be delighted to meet you.
Happy New Year from Hotel Cat!
We had a wonderful Christmas and New Year, spent with the most adorable cats who came to stay. The only sad bit is when they go home as we all miss them so much. The cats all loved their individual Christmas presents from Santa Paws & Mrs Claws and all tucked in to their Christmas dinner of turkey, chicken and salmon.
Now 2015 is upon us we have a variety of new guests coming to stay. We love meeting the different cats, from the exotic to the everyday cat, they are all so unique and fascinating. It is lovely when parents turn up with bagful’s of things from home to help the cats settle, there is plenty of room in the suites and the more familiar things the cats have in their suites the nicer it is for them.
We have had so publicity from the press and have been asked to speak on a couple of radio stations including Today FM in Dublin http://www.todayfm.com/Check-into-Hotel-Cat
If you are thinking of leaving your precious cat/s with us in our hotel and have any concerns about how they will settle, please call us for an informal chat or alternatively come and see us and we will be more than happy to show you around at a convenient time to suit yourselves.
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