Monthly Archives February 2020

February has arrived!

February 4, 2020
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Well the longest month is now behind us and we can start to look forward and plan for Spring. We are busy tidying up the grounds around the cat hotel and I even managed to mow the lawns last week. I really hope that the rain is going to ease off now and fingers crossed we won’t get any snow.

Hotel Cat is starting to fill up nicely for the summer months and we are looking forward to seeing lots of old faces arrive and to meeting lots of new ones too. January is always our busiest month for showing people around and this year has been no exception!  I love showing off our lovely hotel and our guests are always intrigued to see ‘strangers’ in the building!

The donkeys are all really well and full of mischief! They, like us, do not like the rain at all and do not approve of their fields being muddy, but when it dries up they charge around and really get rid of a load of energy, even the old boy Cookie joins in!

Our little deer family are all well, we cannot believe how close they let us get to them – it really is amazing and we do feel very lucky. The stag has recently started to push the baby away a bit, I guess at 9 months he thinks he should go and find his own lady! I really hope that the mother deer decides to stay and have her babies here again this year, fingers crossed.

I have an adorable kitten staying, plus a very mischievous pair of Bengals so I had better go and help Tim in the hotel – it’s total bliss 🙂

Jackie xx

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