Monthly Archives June 2015

Hotel Cat guests

June 22, 2015
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We have had so many beautiful cats come and stay since we opened our Cat Hotel. One thing we have noticed is that most of our cats parents are booking their holidays well in advance and we are getting lots of repeat business which is lovely. The cats are continuing to settle really well in their new, but very exciting, surroundings and it is so lovely to be able to share their holiday with them. Most afternoons I sit with my book and always have someone on my lap purring contentedly. The mornings are normally play sessions, grooming and general room tidying. Early evenings are play sessions before tea and late evenings are when the real fun starts as they all want a good run around before bed. Dreamies cat treats are the bedtime snack of choice with the majority of guests, along with a kiss goodnight for all of them. We are absolutely loving all the different personalities and one little man who has just gone home, after being with us for the last 5 weeks, is Treacle. He was a wonderful gentleman, who adored a fuss and a gentle play each day and had a delicious diet of fresh cod or chicken for both breakfast and dinner each day, along with a slither of smoked salmon on the side, to disguise his daily pill. It’s so lovely to give all the cats such undivided love and attention as they certainly all deserve it.

We are getting very excited about Percy the miniature donkey coming to live with us in August. Our other donkeys are keeping the grass down in his little paddock and his new shelter is going up soon. We have two new cats in this weekend called Lily and Charlie. They live in central London and are transfixed by the chickens, ducks and donkeys outside their window, I thought Lily would explode with excitement when she saw them for the first time!

Our diary is filling up fast for the rest of this year and if you have any potential dates in mind please let us know as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

Cat Hotel Guest

Percy taking advantage of his full size bed and duvet at our luxury Cat Hotel

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